Friday, May 8, 2020

Wrap up for First Week in May

Can you believe it's MAY?! Where has the time gone?

This week was the first week of the new schedule. I had a few students tune in on Tuesday, but no one really had questions about assignments. Wednesday was the first day we were reading Harry Potter and I was so excited to see 9 students show up to listen. I had to cancel Math Games for Thursday because I wasn't feeling well, but the students have told me they are still interested in playing, so I plan to be online for next week. Today was COSTUME DAY on our Google Meet and I was so happy to see everyone who showed up take part, and the kids said they liked my dinosaur costume. I have taken a photo that I hope will be included in the yearbook. Students also shared their musical talent on our meet today and it was so heartwarming to see the kids being supportive of each other.

Some things to note for next week:

1. New schedule will continue next week. Tuesday: assignment help. Wednesday: Reading Harry Potter. Thursday: Math games. Friday: Class checkin.
2. I am compiling together the students' art submissions into a video to share with the class over the weekend, so keep an eye out for that on Google Classroom.
3. Monday there will be a reading comprehension assignment and a geometry and time wrap up assignment.
4. Next week is JERSEY week, so feel free to wear your favorite jerseys to our class meetings.

As always, email me any time with questions or comments. Until next time, stay safe and keep reading!

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Thank you and good luck

What an incredible year it has been. Despite all the craziness, I am so thankful and inspired by the time I have had with my students and th...